
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
207 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA
October 22-23, 2024

Why attend SourceCon in San Diego?

Get ready to rock your sourcing world at SourceCon! Since 2007, we've been the front-runners in shaking up the sourcing scene, blasting through barriers with groundbreaking technology, and inspiring a new wave of sourcers ready to turn up the volume. The SourceCon stage is our rock 'n' roll hall of fame, where legends are born and future stars shine.

SourceCon is electric, with a vibe that's all about cutting-edge content and a community that’s pure rock and roll. Bring your sourcing challenges, and get ready to jam with the best. You might find yourself getting hands-on help from fellow rock stars, the legendary SourceCon Greet Squad Roadies, or even the Grandmaster and Hackathon rock legends themselves who volunteer their time.

At SourceCon, we live and breathe sourcing, sharing our greatest hits and top tips to keep each other at the top of our game. Why should you attend? Because SourceCon is your backstage pass to a community that could revolutionize your talent organization forever. Don't miss out on this epic, one-of-a-kind experience. Rock on at SourceCon!

Sourcing Experts

Gain transformative insights and strategies from the most innovative and influential sourcing experts across industries

Hands-On Learning

Identify solutions to new challenges, and discover sourcing trends in real time with our roundtables and workshops


Expand your network, make meaningful connections, and identify solutions in real-time with peers and mentors

Continuing Education

Get three months of post-SourceCon access to our library of curated sourcing and recruiting videos on-demand

SourceCon was an absolute blast! Diving deep into cutting-edge sourcing techniques and AI-powered tools was extremely insightful. Can't wait to put all this newfound knowledge into action!

Courtney Tripp
Accounting and Finance Recruiter
NextPath Career Partners

Not only am I a first time attendee but I also claimed the title of Spring 2024 SourceCon Hackathon Champion! It’s been a gift to be able to connect with and learn from the best in the sourcing community.

Stephanie Rangel
Talent Acquisition Partner
Smile Brands

My first exposure to SourceCon exceeded my expectations, and was by far THE BEST virtual conference I’ve experienced!

Kara Faherty
Senior Sourcing Specialist
Essentia Health

During day one of the conference, I thought "these are my people!". That's how special this community is.

Madelon Deming
Talent Acquisition Leader
Rocky Mountain Soap Market

So much great information, and insanely talented speakers!

David Schrum
Talent Acquisition Manager

The conference was an incredible experience for both my career and personal growth.

Shanda Hancock
Talent Sourcing Manager, North America Creative
Electronic Arts


We've curated an amazing agenda, full of tools, cutting edge ideas and thought provoking discussions.

Tuesday, October 22

8:55 AM PDT

Virtual Emcee

Our virtual emcee will be your host for virtual attendees
9:00 AM PDT

Welcome to SourceCon!

And so, it begins...
9:10 AM PDT

Influence is the New Sourcing

What does the future of recruitment look like? Sourcing is getting a facelift - Yes AI is coming for your job, and that’s OK… it’s time to offload the admin and onload the talent attraction. In this discussion we look how to role of sourcer will change in the coming years and what that means for us. How do we position ourselves to be at the forefront of the next wave of talent acquisition. Spoiler it’s not just Sourcing that is getting a makeover, it is all of talent acquisition.

  • What else is going the way of the rolodex? We will identify the most obvious places AI can enhance our jobs in sourcing and recruiting and why we should welcome that
  • Not the distant future, but the near future we are going to see a drastic change in the recruiting function as it intersects with marketing
  • Most importantly, how do you, the individual contributor prepare for this change and spot some red flags around layoffs and industry change
Embrace the AI-driven evolution in talent acquisition and position yourself to thrive in the transformed landscape of recruitment. 
10:00 AM PDT

How Sourcing Saved Us Millions - a Case Study

Want to save millions of dollars? Just fire the employment agencies and replace them with an internal recruitment team. Sounds simple. If only it were that easy.
How BECU Got There: Organizations often turn to external resources for recruitment when their internal team isn’t performing well. This was the case with BECU. Senior leadership, particularly in technical departments, lacked confidence in the internal recruiters to fill critical positions.
Shaking Things Up: This case study explores how BECU transformed its internal recruiting by developing a robust internal talent sourcing team. The storyline illustrates the steps taken to quickly change the opinion of technical hiring teams regarding recruiting. By investing in these internal resources, BECU achieved savings in the millions of dollars. Not only did BECU enjoy a cost savings, we also created the path to a culture of excellence in talent acquisition.

Discover how BECU's bold move not only slashed costs but also redefined their talent acquisition strategy, setting a new standard for excellence. 
10:50 AM PDT

Networking Break

    11:10 AM PDT

    Fundamentals Track

    You Found 'em! Now what? - Recruitment process fundamentals

     Learn how to transition candidates from discovery to hire seamlessly. This session covers effective messaging, impactful calls, and timely follow-ups. Discover how to build rapport, personalize outreach, and conduct thorough debriefs to minimize bias. Master the art of pitching your company and extending offers smoothly.

    • Establish rapport early and often, starting from initial outreach.
    • Use touch points to create a "white glove" treatment and provide value to both candidates and your hiring team.
    • Understand the value of trial closing in every conversation and how to implement it effectively.
    11:10 AM PDT

    Advanced Track

    To AI, or NOT to AI, What was the Question? A Look at Sourcing Using AI Tech and the Forgotten Websites of Yesteryear.

    Greg Hawkes, known for his Sourcing IRL videos on YouTube and TikTok, will take you on a journey through the evolving landscape of sourcing jobseekers. This session will delve into the nuances of using AI technology, explain the intricacies of prompt engineering, and revisit the classic "old school" Google Hacks. Join Greg to discover how to blend these techniques into a seamless strategy, transforming your sourcing efforts into Shakespearean Sourcing Poetry. Get ready for a lively session filled with a comprehensive inventory of tools and resources, a sprinkle of Shakespearean humor, and these three key takeaways:

    • Mastering AI Tools for Sourcing: Learn how to effectively use AI technologies to enhance your sourcing capabilities and uncover hidden talent.
    • The Art of Prompt Engineering: Gain insights into prompt engineering and how it can streamline your search processes and improve results.
    • Reviving Old-School Techniques: Rediscover the power of traditional Google Hacking methods and how to integrate them with modern tools for a comprehensive sourcing strategy.
    12:00 PM PDT


    Grab a bite and network with fellow attendees.
      1:00 PM PDT

      Quiet Hero Award

        1:10 PM PDT

        Advanced Track

        GAI, Boolean, and Natural Language Search: A Collision Course for The Future

        In this talk, we explore the evolving landscape of search technologies, focusing on the convergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), Boolean logic, and natural language search. As these technologies advance, they increasingly intersect and reshape how we retrieve and interact with information. We'll discuss the historical context of search methodologies, current trends, and the potential future impacts of their integration. This collision course promises to redefine efficiency, accuracy, and user experience in search technology.  

        Take Aways:
        • How Boolean, Natural Language, and GAI are intersecting?
        • What synergies and conflicts will arise?
        • What are the potential benefits of integrated search technologies?
        • How could challenges and ethical considerations impact Search?
        • What are YOUR predictions for the future of search?
        1:10 PM PDT

        Advanced Track

        Choose-your-own-adventure: Build your own no-code, automated, search scraper

        The advice I received after my layoff was to search for jobs not found on job boards. Great people like David Marr and Jung Kim shared jobs with the TA community, but sometimes they closed hours after posting. I found a no-code, low-cost, automated approach that worked for me. I improved, scaled, and open-sourced it as RTTAJ (Realtime TA jobs). The same approach can be used to automate finding candidate resumes, industry news, or competitive intelligence. I'll explain:

        • Advanced search automation
        • Filters and logic to find just what you need
        • Several ways to share/use your research

        Which path to adventure will you choose? 
        1:10 PM PDT

        Leadership Track

        All We Do Is Win: Building a Winning Sourcing Strategy and Dream Team

        Are you ready to create a powerhouse sourcing department from the ground up? Join us in this breakout session where we delve into the essentials of building a winning sourcing strategy and assembling a dream team. From resources and strategies to tools and best practices, you'll gain valuable insights to elevate your sourcing game.

        Three Key Takeaways:

        • Crafting a Robust Sourcing Strategy: Learn how to build a sourcing department from scratch, including the essential resources, effective strategies, and the right tools and partners to ensure success.
        • Leading and Developing Your Team: Discover how to lead and nurture your sourcing team, manage resources efficiently even on a limited budget, and maintain a positive candidate experience throughout the process.
        • Engaging Passive Candidates and Brand Awareness: Master the art of engaging with passive candidates and ensure the communities you serve are well-acquainted with your brand, fostering strong connections and a vibrant talent pipeline.
        Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to build an unbeatable sourcing strategy and dream team, ensuring your organization's continued success in the competitive talent landscape.
        2:00 PM PDT

        Networking Break

          2:20 PM PDT

          Panel Discussion

          Ethics: Where Do Sourcers Draw the Line?

          Join our panel discussion to explore the evolving understanding of ethical sourcing and how past practices may no longer align with current expectations.  


          1. Evolving Ethical Standards: Gain insights into how ethical standards in sourcing are changing and why it's crucial to stay updated. Understand the shift from past practices to current expectations and how this evolution impacts your daily sourcing activities.
          2. Empowering New Sourcers: Learn strategies to empower newer sourcers to advocate for ethical standards confidently. Discover how fostering a culture of ethical advocacy within your team can lead to more responsible and effective sourcing practices.
          3. Adapting to Change: Understand how organizations can adapt to a rapidly changing business environment while maintaining a commitment to responsible sourcing. Explore practical steps to integrate ethical considerations into your sourcing strategy, ensuring long-term success and integrity.
          3:10 PM PDT



          Are you ready to test your sourcing skills and compete with some of the brightest sourcers and recruiters across the world? Try your luck at the SourceCon Hackathon! This friendly competition will put your search knowledge to the test. Anybody can participate!
          5:15 PM PDT

          Networking Reception

            9:00 PM PDT

            SourceCon After Dark

            "After Dark" is the SourceCon way of saying "meet me at the bar" after dinner. Bring your laptop, and hack with friends old and new. You never know what you may learn or the friendships that will spark and last a lifetime.

              Wednesday, October 23

              8:55 AM PDT

              Virtual Emcee

              Our virtual emcee will be your host on day 2 for virtual attendees.
              9:00 AM PDT

              Editor's Welcome

              Day 2, the sequel to day one, begins.
              9:10 AM PDT

              Harnessing Social Media and Influencers for Gen Z Talent Sourcing

              In today's rapidly evolving job market, attracting top talent from Generation Z requires innovative approaches that align with their digital-native lifestyles. This session will explore how companies can effectively leverage social media platforms and influencer partnerships to engage and recruit Gen Z candidates.

              Key Takeaways:
              1. Identify and utilise popular Gen Z social media platforms for effective talent sourcing.
              2. Partner with influencers to authentically promote your employer brand to Gen Z.
              3. Craft an employer brand that resonates with Gen Z's values and interests.
              10:00 AM PDT

              We Just Want to Hire the Best Person For the Job

              We just want to hire the best person for the job. do you make that happen? Join us as we explore and explode the myths surrounding current hiring practices and discover how informed sourcing can create inclusive opportunities for a more diverse candidate pool.


              • Myth-Busting Hiring Practices: Uncover the common myths in hiring practices and learn how to overcome them to identify and attract top talent.
              • Creating Inclusive Opportunities: Explore strategies for informed sourcing that promote inclusivity and expand the diversity of your candidate pool.
              • Eradicating Bias: Identify implicit and explicit biases at each step of the hiring process and learn effective methods to eliminate them.
              Become a #BiasBuster and revolutionize your hiring process to truly hire the best person for the job.
              10:50 AM PDT

              Networking Break

              Check out the sponsors, snag some swag, and join your peers at the next session!
                11:10 AM PDT

                AI Product Showcase

                For the first time in SourceCon history, we’re bringing live tech to the main stage! We’ll welcome some of the most innovative and newest products to all our attendees. See how these new AI technologies work in real life and how they’ll elevate your sourcing process.
                  12:00 PM PDT


                  Grab a bite and network with fellow attendees.
                    1:00 PM PDT

                    Fundamentals Track

                    AI-Driven Candidate Personas: Raising Retention Through Personality-Driven Sourcing

                    Explore a groundbreaking approach to talent acquisition that leverages AI and personality matching to build cohesive teams with improved long-term retention. This presentation introduces "attraction marketing for retention," aligning personality types with job personas to enhance employee satisfaction and team dynamics.

                    Key Takeaways:
                    1. Personality-Driven Sourcing: Integrate personality assessment results from high-performing teams into top-of-funnel activities, ensuring better job fit and satisfaction.
                    2. AI-Powered Optimization: Utilize AI to optimize attraction marketing efforts from a candidate-centric lens.
                    3. Highlighting TA's Impact: Utilize innovative hiring techniques to demonstrate the impact of Talent Acquisition on the business by highlighting the long-term cost-savings associated with reduced attrition.
                    Harness the power of AI and personality matching to revolutionize your recruitment process, build high-functioning teams, and position Talent Acquisition at the forefront of organizational success and innovation. 
                    1:00 PM PDT

                    Advanced Track

                    AI Revolution in Recruiting: Thriving in the New Landscape

                    Join us for an insightful exploration of how AI is transforming the recruitment industry and learn to navigate this new landscape effectively. Discover how to harness the power of AI while maintaining the indispensable human touch and learn strategies to future-proof your career.


                    • AI-Powered Efficiency and Expanded Reach: AI tools are revolutionizing sourcing by automating repetitive tasks and analyzing vast datasets to identify potential candidates, including passive talent. This enhances productivity and uncovers hidden gems in the talent pool.
                    • The Human Edge in an AI World: While AI brings powerful capabilities, human skills remain crucial. Emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and the ability to build genuine relationships are areas where sourcers can outperform AI. Focus on developing these skills to complement AI tools.
                    • Adapting and Upskilling for Job Security: Embrace AI as a powerful ally rather than a threat. Invest in becoming an "AI-augmented sourcer" by developing proficiency in AI tools, understanding their applications, and learning to interpret AI-generated insights. This adaptability will enhance your value and job security in the evolving recruitment landscape.
                     Master AI, elevate your human skills, and lead the future of recruiting with confidence. 
                    1:00 PM PDT

                    Fundamentals Track

                    Bridging the Gap: Strengthening Hiring Manager and Candidate Connections for Successful Outcomes

                    Unlock the secrets to creating powerful, lasting connections between hiring managers and candidates. This session dives deep into the practical strategies and actionable insights you need to master relationship-building, deliver an exceptional candidate experience, and negotiate winning deals.

                    Key Takeaways:

                    • Mastering Relationship Building with Hiring Managers: Discover proven techniques to forge strong, collaborative relationships with hiring managers. Learn how to facilitate open, honest conversations about candidates, tackle difficult discussions, and address unconscious biases. By working closely with hiring managers, you'll drive better hiring decisions and promote a more inclusive hiring process.
                    • Crafting an Unforgettable Candidate Experience: As a Hiring Manager, Sourcer, or Recruiter, creating a positive and memorable experience for candidates is paramount. Get hands-on tips for being responsive, communicating clearly, and showing genuine interest in candidates' skills and career goals. Become an advocate for your candidates, treating them with the respect and professionalism that builds your employer brand.
                    • Expert Negotiation and Deal Closure: Negotiating job offers and closing deals are critical steps in the hiring process. Learn how to understand candidates' expectations and motivations, align them with company needs, and find mutually beneficial agreements. By building solid relationships with both candidates and hiring managers, you’ll advocate effectively for the best offers and help secure top talent.
                    Join this session to enhance your skills in relationship building, candidate experience management, and negotiation. Walk away with practical tools and strategies to cultivate stronger connections with both candidates and hiring managers, ensuring successful and sustainable hiring outcomes.
                    2:00 PM PDT

                    Leadership Track

                    Metrics for Talent Sourcing: What, Why, and How to Measure for Optimal Success

                    How do you view success for your talent sourcing function? As a specialization within Talent Acquisition, sourcing needs KPIs and success metrics that match its unique responsibilities to tell an accurate and compelling story of the value it adds to your TA function.


                    • Tailored Metrics for Sourcers: Discover different ways to evaluate talent sourcing metrics, ensuring they align with the unique responsibilities and contributions of sourcers rather than measuring them by the same standards as recruiters.
                    • Establishing KPI Targets: Learn how to set appropriate and realistic KPI targets for your talent sourcers, which accurately reflect their role and drive their performance without creating internal competition.
                    • Data-Driven Success: Explore easy-to-apply methods to transition your team towards a more data-driven approach, fostering a collaborative environment where winning together is the ultimate goal.
                    Optimize your talent sourcing success by implementing tailored metrics, setting appropriate KPI targets, and embracing a data-driven path to achieve collective victory.
                    2:00 PM PDT

                    Fundamentals Track

                    Building Your Sourcing AI Search Stack

                    Join Ronnie Bratcher as he presents his findings from delving into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in the sourcing process. Discover how to leverage artificial intelligence search to enhance candidate sourcing to improve accuracy and speed.

                    The presentation covers the following key areas:

                    • Introduction to AI in Sourcing: Historical comparisons of Search to help understand how we got here today. Understanding the importance of how past history is comparable to the rapid rise of AI today and how to approach the massive wave of this technology.

                    • Case Studies and Outcomes: Real-world examples demonstrating the capabilities of several AI applications in sourcing profiles. Share insights of each tool by demonstrating the capabilities and recommendations of how effective the AI search is.
                    The presentation concludes with actionable tips for sourcing professionals to start building their AI search stack. It emphasizes the importance of staying informed about technological advancements and being proactive in adopting AI solutions to maintain a competitive edge in talent acquisition.
                    2:00 PM PDT

                    Advanced Track

                    From Sourcing to Hiring: Optimizing Talent Operations

                    In this session, I'll share strategies for creating efficient sourcing and hiring frameworks, with a focus on high-volume scenarios. We'll explore how sourcing intelligence can act as a central hub in the hiring flywheel, connecting and informing all stages.

                    Key topics include:
                    • Implementing agile principles in talent operations
                    • Measuring and continuously improving the search and selection processes
                    • Leveraging AI, tools, and data-driven methodologies to enhance efficiency
                    • Balancing speed with quality while improving candidate drop-off and passthrough rates
                    Attendees will learn how small improvements can lead to significant gains across the entire process. This session is valuable for sourcing specialists, recruiters, and talent acquisition leaders looking to elevate their hiring processes.

                    Remember: Measure, Test, Scale, Repeat.
                    2:50 PM PDT

                    Networking Break

                    Check out the sponsors, snag some swag, and join your peers at the next session!
                      3:10 PM PDT


                      Join your fellow colleagues for a series of candid discussions about today’s most important sourcing topics and challenges. It’s a great opportunity to exchange insights, experiences, and advice with your peers. It's prime time to network and build relationships!
                        4:00 PM PDT

                        The Pyramid has Collapsed: Adaptive Leadership for a Disruptive World

                        Humanity has entered an era of unparalleled innovation, rapid progress, and intense competition. The traditional command-and-control models we have relied on are no longer sufficient to survive this emerging age of rapid innovation and disruption. Join Peter Laughter in this transformative talk as he addresses the urgent need for new leadership models to navigate today’s complex business landscape. Laughter’s insights and practical strategies offer leaders a critical roadmap to foster innovation and resilience—not merely to survive but to thrive amidst disruption.

                        Three Takeaways:

                        1. Revolutionize Leadership Models: Discover groundbreaking leadership models that transcend the outdated command-and-control approach, equipping you with the tools to drive innovation and adaptability in your organization.
                        2. Foster Unprecedented Innovation: Learn practical strategies to cultivate a culture of innovation and resilience, empowering your team to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business environment.
                        3. Future-Proof Your Organization: Gain critical insights into how to navigate and shape the new age of disruption, ensuring your organization not only survives but thrives, securing long-term success and relevance.
                        Embrace these principles to stay ahead, drive meaningful transformation, and ensure your organization’s future success in the face of unprecedented challenges.
                        4:50 PM PDT

                        Emcee's Close

                        Parting is such sweet sorrow.

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                        Transcend the ordinary at SourceCon, where the pulse of sourcing and talent acquisition beats with cutting-edge content, a vibrant community, and an eclectic blend of inspiration.
                        SourceCon ALl Stars

                        Our Sponsors

                        As a sponsor, you’ll have the chance to engage with the SourceCon community of recruiters, sourcers and talent acquisition leaders eager to learn more about what you have to offer. We’ll give you the ideal platform to share your story, showcase your technology and generate quality leads. Reach out to our team to discuss how you can get involved.
                        Silver Sponsors

                        Our VenueHard Rock Hotel San Diego

                        207 Fifth Avenue

                        San Diego, CA 92101

                        The Hard Rock Hotel San Diego is a vibrant and iconic destination nestled in the heart of San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter. With its rock 'n' roll-inspired décor and energetic atmosphere, the hotel is the perfect place to host SourceCon! Boasting modern amenities and stylish accommodations, each room is adorned with memorabilia from music legends, setting the stage for an unforgettable stay. Book your stay for the conference by September 20, 2024 to take advantage of the group rate. Rooms are very limited. If you would like to extend your hotel stay beyond the conference dates provided, please call the hotel directly for availability at 619-702-3000.

                        Guests can indulge in world-class dining at the hotel's eclectic restaurants, unwind by the rooftop pool with stunning city views, or experience the pulsating nightlife at the on-site bars and clubs. The Hard Rock Hotel San Diego is not just a place to stay – it's a destination where guests can live out their rockstar dreams while enjoying the best that San Diego has to offer.
                        Hard Rock Hotel San Diego